tirsdag 25. november 2008

End the Fed

If you really want to start saving this thing called the economy the best place to start is the manipulator of said economy called the Federal Reserve. If I were free I would not care about money, but let us make some baby steps and at least allow people to trade how they want.

The Federal Reserve act was written by bankers and with the help of their political allies including Woodrow Wilson who got it passed essentially enslaving a nation of people called Americans to inflation, debt, and monetary slavery. I can never figure out how people attack monopolies and the idea of a monopoly yet support a monopoly having control of what you are allowed to trade in. This goes for all countries that are using a central bank and fiat money. How a society of people can allow a small group to control their livelihoods and restrict how they can trade baffles the mind. These oligarchies of people essentially manipulate the money and the economy to benefit the few well connected people at the top who scheme with them and rob everyone else slowly over time.

In the USA for example the dollar has lost 95% of its value sense the Federal Reserve was created. When people see prices rise they assume greedy businesses are overcharging and raising prices. When in fact businesses have been making items cheaper, but then why are prices so much higher then 90 years ago? Simply the Federal Reserve de-values money slowly overtime and price adjustments are made to reflect how many Federal Reserve notes you need to purchase a product.

Minimum wage for example is useless because it is not businesses fault the central bank destroys the value of money and it takes time to adjust for inflation. In reality before the Fed was created $7 an hour would be a huge sum of money. Of course corporations are not innocent in this matter sense they are beneficiaries of the easy money policies and they have no problem participating to make their lives better at the expense of others. Also corporations were created and prospered artificially with government regulations and laws. The trust buster Teddy Roosevelt for example was owned by J.P. Morgan and their trust busting laws are used to destroy businesses that are not part of the slave scheme.

The only solution is freedom actually it is always my solution. People should trade however they want whether it be gold or barter. By allowing only a certain kind of trade you set the world up for slavery and corruption which of course is the point. Everything revolves around the slave money which of course makes everyone desire it sense you cannot even live on land without it. The population is manipulated into the belief this is the only thing worthy to trade in and you need it, as much of it as possible. You also need to step on others to get your share which of course is a divide and conquer technique. People do not need to be told how to participate in free exchange because it is a natural process. People traded freely and even created money without elites and governments. Elites throughout history hijacked trade and money in order to gain power and enslave the masses. People are given no choice of how to trade and then of course inflation makes it seem like no amount of money is enough which is one of many catalysts for rampant greed.

Money of course cannot be blamed for greed anymore then a gun for murder. It is all indoctrination and coercion that causes massive greed and obsessive competition for pieces of paper. It is the mindset of the population that allows itself to be enslaved. If you did not need this one kind of money and could work things out freely then money would be of less importance for survival and more just to make trade easier if you wish.

The best way in my opinion to destroy the Federal Reserve would be to open it to competition. It is a highly disorganized institution and would go under in no time. I imagine the elites plan is to do the opposite and create a tighter monopoly maybe over multiple countries and then the world. This will fail of course. No one can plan economies or monetary policy over the long term it is impossible. The human minds whether individually or collectively cannot plan economies because it is too complex. There are too many variables and individual exchanges. The elite will not fall to guns they will fall to their own ignorance.

Posted by Azraelsjudgement

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