torsdag 20. november 2008

Despite Our Mission, Don't Forget To Breathe

This is from a post on my own blog...I was compelled to share it here as well.

Those of us making our best efforts to awaken everyone around us to the deep deception and control that permeates EVERYTHING we know are no less susceptible to stressing out than the sleepers are. In fact, I'd say we have a greater load to bear, because on top of many of the basic concerns that the uninformed have...we have also taken on the yoke of responsibility to inform them.

And it IS very stressful. We continue to gather REAL information, shunning the mainstream media in all its forms (except to see what kind of propaganda they're spewing at a given time) so we can expose the anti-human legislation, business dealings, and governance of the AMORAL leaders...and it's not just here in the United States. It's EVERYWHERE. Each day, we deepen our understanding of the whole rotting, stinking mess, coming to terms with the fact that very little of what we've always known is REAL. It's a massive head trip on the most basic human level.

But we are not superhuman, unfortunately. From time to time, we have to stagger back and take in the enormity of the task we've engaged ourselves in...and it DEMANDS occasional emotional release. And we begin feeling remorse even as we emote; incorrectly labeling ourselves weak, inefficient, inconsequential. We also feel trapped in the system, longing to get up, get out, get away...SOMEWHERE. It's a CATCH-22 if ever there was one. We remain in our various situations, knowing the hideous truth, only because getting the message to others requires it.

Then, of course, we're faced with the nebulous time factor. We realize that the longer we remain in the system, the harder it is to get out...especially since we cannot even approximate how long before flight is not an option. And none of us can even answer the question of "how long?" for ourselves as individuals, to say nothing of trying to help each other decide.

All I can say for sure is this: When the anger, frustration, fear, sadness, hopelessness, and all of those other visceral emotions well up...LET THEM COME because a given emotion only stays when you refuse to let it go. Our mission does not exempt us from the balancing nature of our spirits, and no one, including yourself, is served by denying the need for release.

Posted by Jon David of Against The Current